courses for current year
Courses of potential interest to archaeology students. Consult "Course Descriprions by Faculty Member" page and departmental webpages for more detailed information.
Autumn Quarter 2024
Ancient Carthage (CLAS 42425)
Image and Text in Mesoamerican Codices (ARTH 20603 / 30603)
Who Were (Are) the Greeks (CLAS 30400)
Ancient Empires II (NEHC 20012)
The Gulf and Eastern Arabia from prehistory to Islam (NEAA 20540/30540)
Mesopotamian Archeology II: From States to Empires (NEAA 20122/30122)
The Archaeology of Egypt I (NEAA 20511/30511)
BIG: Monumental Buildings and Sculptures in the Past and Present (NEHC 20085)
Introduction to Archaeology (NEAA 20100/30100)
Ancient Empires IV (NEHC 20014)
Ancient Landscapes I (NEAA 20061/30061)

Winter Quarter 2025
Archaeology and the Politics of the Past (ANTH 46100)
Heritage, Memory, and the Affective Turn: Theming, Performing, and Consuming the Past (ANTH 26858)
Objects of Andean Art (ARTH 25112/35112)
Anthropological Archaeology (ANTH 21108)
Ancient Levant II: The Iron Age and Persian Period (NEAA 20322/30322)
Archaeologies of Gender (CLAS 33024)
The Inca and Aztec States (ANTH 40100)
The Khmer (ANTH 21261)
Archaeology of Anyang: Bronzes, Inscriptions, and World Heritage (EALC 28010/48010)
Bioarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology: Approaches to the Past and Present (ANTH 28400/38800,BIOS 23247)
Archaeological Fieldwork (NEAA 30091)
Ancient Empires III: The Egyptian Empire of the New Kingdom (NEHC 20013)
Collecting the Ancient World: Museum Practice and Politics (ARTH 24815/34815)
Archaeology of the Ancient Near East 2: Anatolia (NEAA 20002)
James Osborne, Caglayan Bal
Ancient Empires I: Hittite Empire (NEHC 20011)
Ancient Empires V: The Umayyads and the Early Islamic Empire (NEHC 20015)
Human Variation and Disease (HGEN 46900)
Ancient Landscapes II (NEAA 20062/30062)
The rise of the State in the Ancient Near East (NEAA 20030/30030)
Style (ANTH 58515)
Spring Quarter 2025
Somatic Material Culture (ANTH 52421)
Art and Pilgrimage from Antiquity to Christianity (ARTH 35300/25300)
Indian Ocean Trade: an overview from Late Antiquity to the 17th century (NEAA 20428/30428)
The Built Environment in the Ancient Greek World (ARTH 14108)
Discovering Ancient East Asia: Themes in the Archaeology of China, Korea, and Japan (EALC 28901/3890)
Archaeology of Craft Production: Theories and Case Studies (EALC 58011)
Art of the East: China (ARTH 16100)
Ancient Empires VI: Assyrian Empire (NEHC 20016)
Material Correlates: Archaeological Evidence and Interpretation (ANTH 33342)
Topics in Mesopotamian Prehistory-2: Ubaid Mesopotamia & Neighboring Regions (NEAA 20162/30162)