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Ancient Societies Workshop

Winter Quarter 2025:


Tuesday, January 7 - Samantha Suppes (UChicago, MES PhD)

 "Shrewd as Serpents: Snake Imagery on Bronze and Iron Age Ceramics of the Southern Levant"


Tuesday, January 21 (with Rhetoric and Poetics) - Justin Miller (University of Michigan)

 "The Stele of Diphilos, Son of Greek [sic]: Rethinking Writing, Language, and Identity in Ptolemaic Egypt"


Tuesday, February 4 - Sheena Finnigan (UChicago, History Lecturer)

"Motherhood and Non-Motherhood in Classical Rome"


Tuesday, February 18 - Brett Kaufman (University of Illinois)

"The Other Democracy: The Phoenician Assembly in Near Eastern and Mediterranean Context"


Tuesday, March 4 - Naomi Harris (UChicago, MES PhD)


The workshop meets Tuesdays at 3:30pm in Classics 21.

Contact Christian Borgen at if you have any questions or are interested in presenting in future quarters.

Interdisciplinary Archaeology Workshop

Winter Quarter 2025:


29 January  

 Ludivine Audebert
PhD Student, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
Visiting Student, University of Chicago

Miniaturized Vessels, Maximized Expectations? Preliminary Thoughts on Interpretations of Miniature Vessels and Their Manufacturing Techniques Based on Material from Chogha Mish, South-Western Iran, Late Chalcolithic


5 February

Harrison Morin
PhD Student, MES, University of Chicago

CAMEL Lab Workshop

Tech from the Field: A Practical Walkthrough of Total Stations, Emlid RTKs, and LiDAR Photogrammetry on Mobile Devices


19 February

Dr Jonathan Lim
Postdoctoral Fellow, Center For Advanced Spatial Technologies, University of Arkansas

Nalaquq/It is Found: Protecting Heritage and Co-Creating Knowledge With Technology in Southwest Alaska


26 February

Daniel Hansen
PhD Candidate, Anthropology, University of Chicago

Heritage and the Structure of the Material Encounter at Pictish Places


5 March

Kelsey Rooney
PhD Candidate, Anthropology, University of Chicago

All workshop sessions will be held, unless otherwise noted, on Wednesdays from 3:30 – 5 pm in the Lasalle Banks Room of the ISAC Museum or in room 315 in Haskell Hall.


To be added to our mailing list, and for copies of papers, please email us at and IAW continues to accept proposals on a rolling basis for Winter and Spring quarters. We look forward to seeing you soon! 

Other UChicago Workshops of Interest

The University of Chicago sponsors over 70 interdisciplinary workshops on a wide range of themes. These venues bring together graduate students, faculty, and visiting scholars from multiple disciplines to discuss cutting edge work in progress (book or dissertation chapters, journal articles, etc.).

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